GenDx Tulip run
We are looking forward to welcoming you at GenDx 4-5 Km Tulip Run during EFI 2025. Route will be announced later.
The run will take place at 7:00 am on Friday, May 16 and you can join by running or walking if you prefer. Profits will be donated to a charity of GenDx choice and GenDx will double the amount raised.
After registering and filling in the waiver, you can pick-up your Tulip Run T-shirt during the conference at the GenDx booth before the run as well as bottle with water.
The money raised from the Tulip Run will be delivered to this Association: TBA
If you have any questions, contact us at:
Detailed schedule
06:40AM Warm-up
07:00AM Start run
8:00AM Tulip run awards & heading back to the hotel
Price for entering the run is 25 € / per person
Meeting point is at the main entrance of the Prague Congress Centre at 6:15